王向荣      助理教授,特聘副研究员


邮箱: xiangrongwang88@gmail.com

办公室: S624

人才称号: 深圳市海外高层次人才

最终学位: 博士


导师资格: 硕士生导师










2012/09 - 2016/12,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,计算机科学与技术,博士
2010/09 - 2012/07,北京交通大学,电路与系统,硕士
2006/09 - 2010/07,烟台大学,通信工程,学士


2019年 - 2022年,南方科技大学,研究副教授
2019年 - 2022年,鹏城国家实验室
2017年 - 2019年,代尔夫特理工大学、萨拉戈萨大学、ISI Foundation,博士后研究员


[1] 2025-2028, 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金面上项目,复杂社交系统的可控群体智能涌现建模,主持。
[2] 2024-2026, 新引进高端人才科研启动项目,信息茧房的形成机理、传播相变与消融重塑,主持。
[3] 2023-2026, 青年教师科研启动经费,面向媒体信息传播的茧房机制建模研究,主持。
[4] 2023-2028, 广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目,工业视觉直觉性AI基础理论与半导体检测装备,项目核心。
[5] 2021-2023,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,细粒度的传染病传播建模及防疫策略有效性评估,主持。
[6] 2021 - 2022,广东省重点领域研发计划,5G 智慧港口智能运营关键技术研究与应用,子课题负责人。
[6] 2021 - 2022,  深圳市技术攻关面上项目,基于可信隔离联邦学习的跨金融业态智能引擎系统关键技术研发,项目骨干。

代表期刊论文 :

[1]    F Meng, J Xie, J Sun, C Xu, Y Zeng, Xiangrong Wang, T Jia, S Huang, Y Deng, Y Hu.
Spreading dynamics of information on online social networks.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 122 (4), 2025. (中科院一区,综合类顶刊,IF 12.78)

[2]    W Pei, W Xu, Z Wu, W Li, J Wang, G Lu, Xiangrong Wang*.
Saliency-Aware Regularized Graph Neural Network,
Artificial Intelligence, 328, 104078, 2024. (中科院一区,CCF-A, Top期刊,IF 14.4).

[3]    Xiangrong Wang, Hongru Hou, Dan Lu, Zongze Wu, Yamir Moreno.
Unveiling the reproduction number scaling in characterizing social contagion coverage,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 185, 115119, 2024. (中科院一区,Top期刊,IF 9.92).

[4]    Xiangrong Wang, Thomas Peron, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam, Sonia Kefi, Yamir Moreno.
Interspecific competition shapes the structural stability of mutualistic networks,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 172, 113507, 2023. (中科院一区,Top期刊,IF 9.92).

[5]    C Xu, Xiangrong Wang (equal contribution), H Hu, H Qin, J Wang, J Shi, Y Hu.
A sequential re-opening of provinces for China’s zero-COVID policy,
Nature Medicine, 1-2, 2023. (中科院一区,顶刊,IF 87.42).

[6]    Jiarong Xie, Xiangrong Wang (equal contribution), Ling Feng, Jin-Hua Zhao, Yamir Moreno, Yanqing Hu.
Indirect influence in social networks as an induced percolation phenomenon,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(9), e2100151119, 2022. (中科院一区,综合类顶刊,IF 12.78)

[7]    Shuhong Huang, Xiangrong Wang (equal contribution), Liyang Peng, Jiarong Xie, Jiachen Sun, Yanqing Hu.
Optimal compression for bipartite networks
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 151, 111207, 2021. (中科院一区,Top期刊,IF 9.92)

[8]    Zhaoyue Zhong, Xiangrong Wang, Cunquan Qu, Guanghui Wang.
Efficient algorithm based on non-backtracking matrix for community detection in signed networks
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022. (中科院一区,Top期刊,IF 5.02)

[9]    Xiangrong Wang, Alejandro Tejedor, Yi Wang and Yamir Moreno.
Unique superdiffusion induced by directionality in multiplex networks
New Journal of Physics, 23(1), 013016, 2021. (中科院二区,IF 3.72)

[10]    Xiangrong Wang, Alberto Aleta (equal contribution), Dan Lu, Yamir Moreno.
Directionality reduces the impact of epidemics in multilayer networks
New Journal of Physics, 21(9), 093026, 2019. (中科院二区,IF 3.72)

[11]    Xiangrong Wang, Robert E Kooij, Yamir Moreno and P. Van Mieghem.
Structural transition in interdependent networks with regular interconnections.
Physical Review E, 99(1), 2019. (中科院二区,IF 2.71)

[12]    Xiangrong Wang, J. L. A. Dubbeldam and P. Van Mieghem.
Kemeny’s constant and the effective graph resistance.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 535, pp 231-244, 2017.

[13]    Xiangrong Wang, Yakup Koç, Sybil Derrible, Sk Nasir Ahmad, Willem JA Pino and Robert E Kooij.
Multi-criteria robustness analysis of metro networks.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 474:19-31, 2017. (中科院二区,IF 3.78)

[14]    Xiangrong Wang, Robert E Kooij and Piet Van Mieghem.
Modeling region-based interconnection for interdependent networks.
Physical Review E, 94(4), 2016. (中科院二区,IF 2.71)

[15]    Xiangrong Wang, Stojan Trajanovski, Robert E Kooij and Piet Van Mieghem.
Degree distribution and assortativity in line graphs of complex networks.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 445:343-356, 2016. (中科院二区,IF 3.78)

[16]    Xiangrong Wang, Evangelos Pournaras, Robert E Kooij and Piet Van Mieghem.
Improving robustness of complex networks via the effective graph resistance.
The European Physical Journal B, 87(9):221, 2014.


[1] Wenjie Pei, Jiyuan Zhang, Xiangrong Wang, Lei Ke, Xiaoyong Shen and Yu-wing Tai. Memory-Attended Recurrent Network for Video Captioning. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019. (CCF A 类)


[1] 深圳市海外高层次人才.
[2] 第十七届全国复杂网络大会 --- 特邀青年大会报告人.
[3] 第三届KIAS-KU网络科学理论前沿大会 --- 特邀大会报告人.


[1] CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 期刊副主编, 中科院一区。
[2] Journal of complex networks 期刊主编。

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