李康森      特聘副研究员


邮箱: likangsen@szu.edu.cn

办公室: S701


最终学位: 博士


导师资格: 硕士研究生导师








2024年12月至今 深圳大学特聘副研究员



代表期刊论文 :

1. Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, XiaohuaLiu, Feng Gong*. Deformation behaviour of glass nanostructures in hot embossing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020),36311-36319.
2. Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Xiaobin Wen, Feng Gong*. High-temperature friction behavior of amorphous carbon coating in glass molding process. Friction, 9 (2021),1648-1659.
3. Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Xinfang Huang, Qiang Chen, Zhiwen Xie, Feng Gong*. Surface evolution analysis of CrxWyNz coatings on WC mold in glass molding process. Surface & Coatings Technology, 393 (2020), 125839(8pp)
4. Kangsen Li, Kai Jiang, Gang Xu, Xiaohua Liu, Feng Gong*. Experimental and simulated analysis of glass deformation and filling modes during partial-filling hot embossing process. Ceramics International, 11 (2020), 8059-8067.
5. Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Hexi Luo, Xiaohua Liu, Feng Gong*. Glass flow behaviors in micro-channels during hot embossing, Ceramics International, 46 (2020), 21517-21526.
6. Kangsen Li, Guihao Lian, Daohang Yan, Zhenlong Wang, Feng Gong*. Spatial gas effect on the deformation behavior of embossed glass microstructures in hot embossing. Ceramics International. 49 (2023), 32558-32567.
7. Kangsen Li, Chunjin Wang, Feng Gong, Chifa Cheung, Zhibin Chen, Zaunkai Wang. Coating-free superhydrophobic hard surfaces by electric discharge machining with a magnetic-assisted self-assembly sheet electrode. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (2024), 15548-15557.
8.Feng Gong, Lian Guihao,Zhenlong Wang, Kangsen Li*. A Controllable Interface Design and Manufacturing Strategy for Embossed Glass Hierarchical Nano-Lens. Materials & Design, 233 (2023),112278.
9. Kangsen Li, Xinfang Huang, Qiang Chen, Gang Xu, Feng Gong*. Flexible fabrication of optical glass micro-lens array by using contactless hot embossing process. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 57 (2020), 469-476.
10. Kangsen Li, Zhenlong Wang*, Feng Gong*. The evolution and generation of nano-surfaces and its micro-contact mechanism in glass embossing process. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 105 (2022), 4655-4668.


1.Likangsen et al. Numerical Simulation of Glass Rolling Process for Cylindrical Lens Array. International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology , 2022, (Best paper award)
2.Likangsen et al. The filling quality of glass array lens in precision glass molding. The CHINA-JAPAN International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process(CJUMP), 2023, (Best presentation award)
3.Likangsen et al. High-efficiency fabrication of functional structured array surface on hard metallic ceramic materials by a novel magnetic field-assisted self-assembly electrode, International Conference of European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology , 2024, (Oral presentation)
4.Likangsen et al. Flexible fabrication of microlens array surface on mold steel by magnetic field-assisted self-assembly electrode, The 9th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2024), 2024, (Best paper award)




担任Micromachines客座编辑,Materials & Design等10余种SCI审稿人

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