性别: 女
邮箱: caoyy@szu.edu.cn
办公室: S701
人才称号: 后备级人才
最终学位: 博士
办公电话: 26656730
导师资格: 硕士生导师
2008.09-2013.07 中山大学, 物理科学与工程技术学院, 凝聚态物理, 博士
代表期刊论文 :
(1)Kaikai Sun, Haohua Zhong, Yuanyuan Cao*,The O-doped layer under electron irradiation induced high sensitivity simultaneous electrochemical determination of colorants in the graphene intercalated carbon film, Diamond & Related Materials, accepted.
(2) Ruiqi Ming, Senyu Yang, Ye Jiang, Chunchun An, Yuhua Yang, Dongfeng Diao, Yuanyuan Cao,* Tongsheng Chen, Xinlei Li*, Applied Physics Letters, 2022,120:063702.
(3) Yuanyuan Cao, Liangliang Huang and Dongfeng Diao*, High electrochemical activity induced by doping oxygen in graphene sheets embedded carbon film,Advanced Materials interfaces, 2020,2000694.
(4) Liangliang Huang, Yuanyuan Cao*, Dongfeng Diao*, Surface N-doped graphene sheets induced high electrocatalytic activity for selective ascorbic acid sensing, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2019, 283, 556–562.
(5) Yuanyuan Cao, Dongfeng Diao*, Physical mechanism of surface roughening on the radial core-shell nanowire heterostructure with alloy shell, AIP Advances, 2017, 7: 055006.
(6) Yuanyuan Cao, Guowei. Yang*, A nanoscale temperature-dependent heterogeneous nucleation theory, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117 (22), 224303.
(7) Yuanyuan Cao, Gang Ouyang, Chenxin Wang, Guowei. Yang*,Physical Mechanism of Surface Roughening of the Radial Ge-Core/Si-Shell Nanowire Heterostructure and Thermodynamic Prediction of Surface Stability of the InAs-Core/GaAs-Shell Nanowire Structure, Nano Letters, 2013, 13 (2), 436-443.
(8) Yuanyuan Cao, Guowei. Yang*, Temperature-dependent preferential formation of quantum structures upon the droplet epitaxy, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 100 (15), 151909.
(9) Yuanyuan Cao, Guowei. Yang*, Vertical or Horizontal: Understanding Nanowire Orientation and Growth from Substrates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116 (10), 6233-6238.
(10) Yuanyuan Cao, Guowei. Yang*, Thermal stability of wetting layer in quantum dot self-assembly, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111 (9), 093526.
(11) Yuanyuan Cao, Xinlei Li, Guowei. Yang*, Physical mechanism of quantum dot to quantum ring transformation upon capping process, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109 (8), 083542.
(12) Yuanyuan Cao, Xinlei Li, Guowei. Yang*, Wetting layer evolution upon quantum dots self-assembly, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95 (23), 231902.
(13) Liangliang Huang, Yuanyuan Cao, Dongfeng Diao*, Nanosized graphene sheets induced high electrochemical activity in pure carbon film, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 262 (1), 173-181.
(14) Liangliang Huang, Yuanyuan Cao, Dongfeng Diao*, N-doped graphene sheets induced high electrochemical activity in carbon film, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 470, 205–211.
(1) YuanyuanCao, Kaikai Sun, Haohua Zhong, and Dongfeng Diao, High Electrochemical Activity of Oxygen-Doped Graphene Sheets Embedded Carbon Film, Weihai, China, 2021.12.3-5, oral.
(2) YuanyuanCao, Haohua Zhong, Kaikai Sun, Dongfeng Diao*, Fabrication of multi-element bonded graphene edges on carbon film surface and its biosensor application, The 1st “Carbon2”Tribology Forum, Shenzhen-Nagoya, 2021.11.04, oral.
(3)YuanyuanCao*, Kaikai Sun, Haohua Zhong, and Dongfeng Diao*, High Electrochemical Activity of Oxygen-Doped Graphene Sheets Embedded Carbon Film, 中国微米纳米技术学会第二十三届学术年会暨第十二届国际会议, 2021.12.05-13, 线上,口头报告。
(4)YuanyuanCao*, Fabrication of carbon nanosurface with low energy electron and its biosensor application, 先进传感与智能制造国际青年学者论坛, 2021.10.29-31, Nanjing, China,oral.
(5)YuanyuanCao*, 边缘嵌入式纳米表面的生物传感研究, 海峡两岸暨港澳青年科学家智能可穿戴技术创新论坛,2020.12.11-14, 深圳,中国,口头报告。
(6) YuanyuanCao,DongfengDiao*,Thermodynamic Theory on Surface Roughness during the Epitaxial growth of SixGe1-x Coating On SiNanowire Substrate,The 6th World Tribology Congress, Beijing, China, 2017.9.17-22(The Best Poster Award).
2019.07 全国高等学校教师图学与机械课程示范教学与创新教学法观摩竞赛 三等奖
2018.06 深圳市后备级人才
2017.09 第六届世界摩擦学大会(WTC)最佳墙报奖
2016.02 功能纳米材料与低维物理的应用基础研究,广东省自然科学一等奖
中国机械工程学会 高级会员
担任ACS sensor,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics等期刊的论文评审工作。