刘志远      教授


邮箱: zyliu@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 致信楼S715室

人才称号: 深圳市海外高层次人才

最终学位: 博士

办公电话: 0755-26538098

导师资格: 博士生导师(新锐导师)










2023/01 –  至今,  深圳大学, 增材制造研究所,    教授
2020/06 – 2022/12,深圳大学, 机电与控制工程学院,特聘研究员;
2014/02 – 2020/05,深圳大学,机电与控制工程学院, 副教授;
2012/04 – 2014/02,香港城市大学,机械与生物医学工程系,博士后。


1. 4D打印高熵形状记忆合金成分-工艺-机理研究,深圳市自然科学基金,2023-2025,在研,主持
2. 新型低成本高性能医用钛合金人工关节及其增材制造,深港澳科技计划项目,2024-2026,在研,深圳主持
3. 高强铝合金组织调控及其服役行为研究,重点实验室基金项目,2025年-2026年,在研,参与
3. 激光粉末床熔融高强铝合金损伤容限设计及疲劳寿命提升机理研究,轻质高强重点实验室基金,2025-2026,在研,核心参与
4. 基于增材制造的泵类减振支承阻尼材料-结构-性能一体化设计与制造研究,中核集团领创项目,2023-2026,在研,第一参与
5. 高频应力驱动非晶合金快速回春行为研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020-2023,结题,主持
6. 非晶合金非均匀结构及其与变性行为联系研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017-2019,结题,主持
7. 非晶合金核-壳单元研究,广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,2015—2018,结题,主持
8. 金属材料注射成形3D打印关键技术研究,深圳市海外高层次人才创新创业项目,2019-2021,结题,主持
9. 非晶合金组织结构和力学性能关系研究,深圳市海外高层次人才启动项目:2015-2017,结题,主持
10. 非晶合金微零件的超声振压注射成形研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学项目,2017-2019,结题,核心参与
11. 块体非晶合金应力诱导原子尺度损伤和弛豫,香港研究资助局研究基金,2011-2013,核心成员
12. 块体非晶合金剪切带动力学研究,香港研究资助局研究基金,2012-2014,核心成员

代表期刊论文 :

1. Jianhua Zeng, Yating Yang, Huabei Peng, Pei Wang, Changyong Liu, Zhangwei Chen, Wen Chen, Xiongjun Liu, Yuan Wu, Zhiyuan Liu, Zhaoping Lu. Additive manufacturing of high entropy shape memory alloy with outstanding properties through multi-remelting in-situ alloying, Additive Manufacturing, 2024, 104253.
2. Hao Tang, Zhiyu Xiao, Chaofeng Gao, Zhiyuan Liu, Xiaoying Xi, Jiantao Zhang, Boshen Weng, Xingyi Li, Yunjie Bi, Jeremy Heng Rao. On the novel precipitation sequence of the TiN modified Al-Mn-Sc alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 7788–7794.
3. Xiaoqiang Wang, Zhiyuan Liu, Yakun Tao, Yan Zhou, Shifeng Wen, Yusheng Shi. Enhancing the interface strength of additively manufactured 316L/CuSn10 bimetallic components through heterogeneous microstructures. Additive Manufacturing, 2023,103860.
4. Yanfang Liu, Jie Ren, Shuai Guan, Chenyang Li, Yin Zhang, Saideep Muskeri, Zhiyuan Liu, Dunji Yu, Yan Chen, Ke An, Yang Cao, Wei Liu, Yuntian Zhu, Wei Chen, Sundeep Mukherjee, Ting Zhu, Wen Chen. Microstructure and mechanical behavior of additively manufactured CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys: Laser directed energy deposition versus powder bed fusion. Acta Materialia, 2023,250,118884.
5. Dandan Zhao,  Yifeng Guo,  Richen Lai , Yuren Wen,  Pei Wang,  Changyong Liu,  Zhangwei Chen,  Can Yang,  Shilei Li,  Wen Chen,  Zhiyuan Liu, Abnormal three-stage plastic deformation in a 17-4 PH stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Materials Science and Engineering: A , 2022, 144160.
6. 刘志远,王沛,陈张伟,刘长勇,沈军,等. 机器学习在金属增材制造中的应用现状和前景展望,航空制造技术,2022,约稿. (中文核心期刊)
7. Yaowen Wu, Xinyi Zhao, Qiang Chen, Can Yang, Mingguang Jiang, Changyong Liu, Zhe Jia, Zhangwei Chen, Tao Yang, Zhiyuan Liu*. Strengthening and fracture mechanisms of a precipitation hardening high-entropy alloy fabricated by selective laser melting. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2022, 17(3), 451-467.
8. Zhi-Yuan Liu, Xin-Yi Zhao, Yao-Wen Wu, Qiang Chen, Bao-Hua Yang, Pei Wang, Zhang-Wei Chen, Can Yang*. Homogenization heat treatment for an additively manufactured precipitation-hardening high-entropy alloy. Rare Metals, 2022, 4, 1-11.
9. Zhiyuan Liu*, Dandan Zhao, Pei Wang, Ming Yan, Can Yang, Zhangwei Chen, Jian Lu, Zhaoping Lu. Additive manufacturing of metals: Microstructure evolution and multistage control. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 100, 224-236.
10. Mingguang Jiang, Changyong Liu, Zhangwei Chen*, Pei Wang, Hongbin Liao, Dandan Zhao, Zhiyuan Liu, Xiaoyu Wang, Min Xu*, Changshi Lao*. Enhanced strength-ductility synergy of selective laser melted reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel via heterogeneous microtructure modification. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2021, 801, 140424.
11. Dandan Zhao, Quan Yang, Dawei Wang, Ming Yan, Mingguang Jiang, Changyong Liu, Pei Wang, Zhangwei Chen, Changshi Lao, Zhiyuan Liu*, Yuan Wu, Zhaoping Lu*, Ordered nitrogen complexes overcoming strength-ductility trade-off in an additively manufactured high entropy alloy. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2020, 15, 532-542.
12. C. Liu, D. Yan, J. Tan, Z. Mai, Z. Cai, Y. Dai, M. Jiang, P. Wang, Z. Liu, C.-C. Li, C. Lao, Z. Chen. Development and Experimental Validation of a Hybrid Selective Laser Melting and CNC Milling System. Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 101550.
13. Yan Lou, Xiao Liu,  Xiaole Yang, Yang Ge, Dandan Zhao, Hao Wang, Laichang Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu*. Fast rejuvenation in bulk metallic glass induced by ultrasonic vibration precompression. Intermetallics, 2020, 118: 1-6.
14. Sun Yanan, Chen Peng, Liu Lehua, Yan Ming, Wu Xiaoyu, Yu Chunyan, Liu Zhiyuan*. Local mechanical properties of AlxCoCrCuFeNi high entropy alloy characterized using nanoindentation. Intermetallics, 2018, 93: 85-88.
15. L H Liu; Z Y Liu*; Y Huan; X Y Wu; Y Lou; X S Huang; L J He; P J Li*; L C Zhang. Effect of structural heterogeneity on serrated flow behavior of Zr-based metallic glass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 766: 908-917.
16. P. Chen, W. B. Liao, L. H. Liu, Z. Y. Liu*. Ultrafast consolidation of bulk nanocrystalline titanium alloy through ultrasonic vibration. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 1-9.
17. Liao Wei-Bing, Liu Zhi-Yuan*, Yu Chun-Yan, Li Pei-Feng, Zhu Qian, Huang Jian-Jun*. Stress-induced elastic modulus evolution in metallic glasses. Materials Research Express, 2018, 5(7): 0-076505.  
18. L.H. Liu, J. Ma, C.Y. Yu, X.S. Huang, L.J. He, L.C. Zhang, P.J. Li*, Z.Y. Liu*. Determination of forming ability of high pressure die casting for Zr-based metallic glass. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 244, 87-96.
19. J. X. Lu, X. Y. Wu*, Z. Y. Liu*, X. Q. Chen, B. Xu, Z. Z. Wu, S. C. Ruan. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced Using Intermittent Ultrasonic-Assisted Equal-ChannelAngular Pressing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47A, 4648-4658.
20. Z. Y. Liu*, Y. Yang, C. T. Liu. Critical Shear Offset of Fracture in a Zr based Metallic Glass. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2016, 23(1), 53-56.
21. Z. Y. Liu, Y. Yang, J. Lu, G. Y. Wang, P. K. Liaw, C.T. Liu*. Stress induced atomic-scale damage and relaxation in bulk metallic glasses. Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2015, 652, 185-190.
22. Z. Y. Liu, J.F. Zeng, C.T. Liu, Y. Yang. Origin of yielding in metallic glass: Stress-induced flow. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104, 251901.
23. Z.Y. Liu, Y. Yang, C.T. Liu*. Yielding and Shear Banding of Metallic Glasses. Acta Materialia, 2013, 61, 5928-5936.
24. Z.Y. Liu, Y. Yang*. A Mean-Field Model for Anelastic Deformation in Metallic Glass. Intermetallics, 2012, 26, 86-90.
25. Liu Z Y, Yang Y, Liu C T*. Size-Affected Shear-Band Speed in Metallic Glasses. Applied Physics Letters, 2011,99,171904.  
26. Liu Z Y, Guo S, Liu X J, Ye J C, Yang Y, Wang X L, Yang L, An K, Liu C T. Micromechanical characterization of casting-induced inhomogeneity in an Al0.8CoCrCuFeNi High-entropy alloy. Scripta Materialia,2011,64,868-871.
27. Liu Z Y, Yang Y, Guo S, Liu X J, Lu J, Liu Y H, Liu C T*. Cooling rate effect on Young's modulus and hardness of a Zr-based metallic glass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509, 3269-3273.
28. Liu Z Y, Wu Y, Li H X, Bei H B, Lu Z P*. Alloying effects of iridium on glass formation and glass-forming ability of the Zr-Cu-Al system. Journal of Materials Research, 2009, 24, 1619-1623.


1.发明专利,曾健华,刘志远,丁卯,刘佩锦,陈张伟, 一种基于 SLM 的均匀成形增材制造方法, No. 202410051243.1.
2.发明专利, 刘志远,曾健华,王沛,刘长勇,陈张伟. 一种免训练铁系高熵形状记忆合金及其制备方法,No. 202310305206.4.
3.PCT国际专利,刘志远,陈鹏,龚峰,郭登极,System and method for fabrication of bulk nanocrystal alloy,专利号:PCT/CN2017/079890.
4.发明专利,刘志远,陈鹏,郭登极,龚峰,制造纳米晶合金的系统和方法,ZL 201780006996.9
6.实用新型,刘志远,陈鹏,葛洋,徐斌,娄燕,一种超声振动烧结装置,CN 201895653.




2024/12  Journal of Materials Science & Technology, ESI Top Cited Article Award;
2024/09  入选2024全球前2%顶尖科学家;
2019/10  深圳大学首届新锐研究生导师;
2019/10  深圳市后备人才;
2016/03  深圳市南山区领航人才计划;
2014/09  深圳市海外高层次人才B类


中国有色金属学会增材制造技术专业委员会委员,广东省机械工程学会增材制造分会副理事长,中国材料研究学会会员,担任Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Intermetallics, Applied physics letters等国际期刊审稿人。


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