(讲座1)Approximations for Kemeny’s Constant for Several Families of Graphs and Real-World Networks
(讲座2)Does GPT-4 Play Dice? (大模型掷骰子吗)
(报告人1)Robert Kooij 教授,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学量子计算学院院长
(报告人2)刘强 腾讯高级研究员
2024 年 11 月 29 日 (星期五) 下午 14: 30
(讲座1)The linear relation between Kemeny’s constant, a graph metric directly linked with random walks, and the effective graph resistance in a regular graph has been an incentive to calculate Kemeny’s constant for various networks. In this paper we consider complete bipartite graphs, (generalized) windmill graphs and tree networks with large diameter and give exact expressions of Kemeny’s constant. For nonregular graphs we propose two approximations for Kemeny’s constant by adding to the effective graph resistance term a linear term related to the degree heterogeneity in the graph. These approximations are exact for complete bipartite graphs, but show some discrepancies for generalized windmill and tree graphs. However, we show that a recently obtained upper-bound for Kemeny’s constant in based on the pseudo inverse Laplacian gives the exact value of Kemeny’s constant for generalized windmill graphs. Next, we have evaluated Kemeny’s constant, its two approximations and its upper bound, for 243 moderate sized real-world networks. This evaluation reveals that the upper bound is tight, with average relative error of only 0.73%. In most cases the upper bound clearly outperforms the other two approximations.
For the upper bound based on the pseudo inverse of the Laplacian, we show that for a certain class of bimodal networks with diameter two, the upper bound is also tight. This generalizes previous results for bipartite and (generalized) windmill graphs. Moreover, we show numerically that also for large real-world networks this bound can be used to find good numerical approximations for Kemeny’s constant. For certain graphs consisting of up to 100K nodes, we find a speed up of a factor 30 can be achieved, depending on the accuracy of the approximation. For networks consisting of over 500K nodes the approximation can be used to estimate values for Kemeny’s constant, where exact calculation is no longer feasible within reasonable computation time.
(讲座2)OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) is a powerful large language model with a certain degree of intelligence in understanding and generating coherent text. We are exploring whether GPT-4 is capable of acting as a die, i.e. generating random numbers. We show that GPT-4 does not appear to generate independent and identically distributed random numbers. Examples imply that GPT-4 tries to compensate for the uniformity of random numbers by sacrificing independence when acting as a die.(大模型目前的能力已经非比寻常,让人们对通用人工智能AGI的未来愈加乐观。所谓的AGI到底应该是什么样的?是应该更像人还是不像人?我们通过一个简单的掷骰子实验来观察大模型的应对。我们发现大模型在产生随机数的时候,更加类似人类的本能行为(GPT-4产生连续随机数的时候会牺牲随机数之间的独立性来补偿数字分布的随机性),却不像训练有素的算法专家,那么问题来了:通用的人工智能应该更像前者还是后者呢?)
Robert Kooij has a background in mathematics: he received both his MSc and PhD degree cum laude at Delft University of Technology, in 1988 and 1993, respectively. From 1997 until 2003 he was employed at the research lab of KPN, the largest telecom operator in the Netherlands. From 2003 until 2018 he was employed at the ICT Unit of TNO, the Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research. In 2011 he became principal scientist, conducting and managing research on Critical ICT Infrastructures. Since 2005 Robert is part-time affiliated with the Delft University of Technology, at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. Since 2010 he is a part-time full professor with the chair “Robustness of Complex Networks”. From 2018 until 2020 professor Kooij lived in Singapore, where he got a position as principal research scientist at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, working on a project related to cyber resilience for critical infrastructures. Currently he is the head of the department of Quantum and Computer Engineering (QCE) at Delft University of Technology.